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Oral Surgery
Sınus Lıftıng

Sinuses are air gaps that are placed between the facial bones of your body. Sinus cavities are the main task of reducing the weight of skull bones. On the other hand, they have the task of providing resonance of sound waves and partially clearing the breathing air. These cavities can expand in volume by the effect of air pressure, especially after tooth loss.After the extraction of our teeth underneath our sinuses, the base of the sinus gradually dangles towards the empty space over time and reduces the volume of bone in this region. For implants that we want to place fully in the bone, this shallow volume is inadequate and the failure of the treatment is at the forefront. Surgical opening and raising of the sinus floor is a process called sinus lifting.
Sinus lifting is a painless, painless procedure that takes about 15-20 minutes with local anesthesia. It can be applied to the same seansta implant in cases of adequate bone volume and this process is prolonged by 4-5 minutes.
Sinus Why Doing Upgrade Process?
After the extraction of the teeth on the back side, a rapid dissolution occurs in the jawbone due to the lack of implantation. A downward sag is also observed in the maxillary sinuses located on the lower teeth. In this case, we can not find enough bone height to be able to apply 10 mm long implants which we accepted as standard.
Advanced implant surgery, which we call sinus lift, sinus lifting, is a surgical procedure performed by removing the membrane surrounding the sinuses without tearing and filling the resulting gap with bone grafts (dental bone dust). The aim of this method is to raise the sagging sinus and to create the appropriate bone volume for the implant in the grafted area.
What does Embedded Tooth mean?
After the extraction of the teeth on the back side, a rapid dissolution occurs in the jawbone due to the lack of implantation. A downward sag is also observed in the maxillary sinuses located on the lower teeth. In this case, we can not find enough bone height to be able to apply 10 mm long implants which we accepted as standard.
Advanced implant surgery, which we call sinus lift, sinus lifting, is a surgical procedure performed by removing the membrane surrounding the sinuses without tearing and filling the resulting gap with bone grafts (dental bone dust). The aim of this method is to raise the sagging sinus and to create the appropriate bone volume for the implant in the grafted area.

What are the conditions that require Embedded
Tooth to be removed?
1- Bruise: 20 years old is far more difficult as the position and because it does not usually run properly, cleaning and maintenance are more difficult and therefore the decay is easier. Since these teeth are rotten, they are very far behind. Therefore, most of them can not be applied in canal treatment due to the structure of the root canal which is much different from the other.
2- Second major minor dysenteric effects: 20-year-old teeth are generally not in proper position
with the accumulation of nutrient residues in the environment or with the greatest of the di
neighboring substances can cause loss and decay.
potansiyeline 20 years old.
3- Pericoronitis: (inflammation of the surrounding dysetria) 20 year old teeth are partially removed
an infection may develop that is caused by bacteria that accumulate in the
percent swelling, difficulty in opening mouth, pain, mouth odor, fingers and fever in lymph glands
4- Dorsal stiffness: When 20 years old teeth do not continue in normal position, dislocations
the pressure exerted on it may lead to movement in the other outer limb,
situations may be encountered.
5-Agri: 20-year-old teeth do not continue in their normal position,
they can lead to pain.
6- Cyst formation: 20-year-old teeth are fully buried or partially buried
In some cases, they can cause cyst formation.
it can be diagnosed with a panoramic x-ray of your doctor.
7- Cheek healing: In case of frequent occurrence, 20 year olds usually cause no complaints in cheek bite and mucosal injury in patients because they do not usually stay in normal position.

​Dental Cyst
Abscesses or cystic lesions that occur in the root of the tooth for various reasons are tried to be treated by cutting the infected root region directly when the root canal treatment application is inadequate. This application is called apical resection procedure.Apical resection is a treatment option that should be evaluated before tooth extraction. Recurrence may occur according to infection or cyst size. Bone grafting may be applied to compensate for bone loss during operation (the addition of artificial or natural bone tissue).
Dental cysts are often caused by tooth injuries and trauma. However, the most common cause of dental cysts is tooth decay. The cavity formed after decay usually becomes the starting point of infections.
Unhealthy to feed and brush teeth to form the tooth plaque. Bacteria feed on the nutrients that they find in this platter, producing a kind of acid. This acid erodes the protective layer of the tooth and removes the dental extract. Caries occurs this way. Patients should apply daily hygiene care routines to prevent tooth decay. These include brushing teeth, using dental floss, and giving weight to fruits and vegetables. These foods will affect your general health positively. Bacteria and dental plaque occur every day. It is practically difficult to reach the figures on the little teeth.